The Skinny On Why You Should Be Tracking Users On Your Website With Google Analytics

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Knowing information about your customer base is one thing. Gathering insight to make strategic marketing decisions based on that information is another.

As a business owner, you have an idea of who your customer or client is. But it only makes sense to rely on actual data to confirm that. That’s where analytics can help.

Let Google Analytics provide you with a customer snapshot as clear as a photo taken with an iPhone 12. The reasons to use the most popular tracking tool on the internet are as numerous as the metrics provided, so we’ve narrowed it down to the top five reasons you should start making Google Analytics a component of your marketing work.


Setting up a Google Analytics account to track your website users is relatively simple. Depending on the platform, the details might vary on specific setup, but know that if you have a Gmail account, following the steps to install Google Analytics isn’t a cumbersome process. All sorts of free tutorials and checklists can guide you through setup. Need help? Contact us.

And another thing: Google Analytics is free!


Who are you guys anyway? The Google Analytics dashboard relays all sorts of relevant details about your digital audience. Consider it a gold mine you don’t have to pay for. You’ll learn how old your users are, where they live, their gender and what else interests them — key data that can inform your marketing plans.

And another thing: Google Analytics operates in real time, meaning you can see who’s on which page of your website now! That’s pretty cool if you think about it.


Perhaps instead of a quick snapshot, you’d like to examine every pixel of your user. How long does a user stay on a page, and how quickly are you losing folks after viewing just one page, i.e., the dreaded bounce rate. Which browser do they use to arrive at your site? Are they using a desktop or a mobile device? You’ve got questions. The Google Analytics dashboard knows all.

And another thing: Don’t overlook the obvious. Are you losing users because your site is taking too long to load? Google Analytics can track how quickly your website loads — anything longer than 3 seconds requires immediate attention.


If you’ve invested major resources into a campaign, shouldn’t you know if it’s paying off? Google Analytics can measure your conversion rate — when a user takes a desired action after being on a page. You can measure the effectiveness of a key word or an ad to inform your Return on Investment.

And another thing: Make sure you have a goal in mind for your campaign. It doesn’t always have to be a purchase. Perhaps you want to increase traffic to your site to raise brand awareness. Have a clearly defined goal with every campaign.


Don’t stress. There’s no need to overdo it by burying yourself in numbers. Choose a handful of metrics that are important to you and track those. What you don’t want to do is track for the sake of tracking. Remind yourself that your overall goal is to improve overall experience for your users and lower the bounce rate so you can optimize your website’s performance. 

And another thing: Evaluate regularly. Context is important. Just looking at numbers once or once in a while doesn’t present  a clear picture. Make sure you make regular monitoring a part of your business practices.