Category: Vicki’s Column

What I’ve Learned Along the Way: Storytelling Still Matters in an AI World

An apparent buzzer beater by the home team to win a back-and-forth game by a point. Only the ensuing celebration leads to a technical foul as the clock still showed time. Free throws reverse the outcome. Only the referees botched the call, awarding two free throws instead of one. Having…

What I’ve Learned Along the Way: Your Employees Are Your Best Ambassadors

I didn’t know anything about being a dental receptionist when I was 15, and the dentist I was working for at the time didn’t make my first-ever job very pleasant. He was embroiled in a contentious divorce, and every time his wife called, I was told to park her on…

What I’ve Learned Along the Way: We Didn’t Start the Fire

Billy Joel might as well have been giving a concert at the University of Missouri that morning. Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe My Advanced Reporting class was minutes from…

What I’ve Learned Along the Way – Gratitude is Hard

Being honest here. Gratitude is hard. Sure, being grateful comes easy sitting around the Thanksgiving table with family and friends, a homecooked meal waiting. In a blink the food’s gone, and our feeds are filled with Black Friday tempts and Cyber Monday deals. Then onto the Christmas frenzy of trying…

What I’ve Learned Along the Way

When you’re told you get to write your own column and you begin by talking about agility with dogs, you wonder if you’ll get the go-ahead to write a second column. Promise you, I’ll make this worth the read. The smartest dog on the planet is my shadow, a 9-pound…